Monday, August 22, 2011

"you're sweet.. definitely not fucked up"

so the exams are round the corner and i just got to know that i almost got debared from this module and i don't know why i don't feel worried. okay maybe i do but just not as much. because you see the problem with my lecturer is that he doesn't do anything. really. all he does is give us a project, he doesn't really care what it is and as long as we have something to say in the report its good enough. and i don't like doing something that i know i'm not putting 100% effort in but it's a group work so... yah.

it's funny how i adapt to a certain environment. or a situation that i'm forced to be in. i don't know why i always feel excited and then the next minute it's just like oh..okay. i don't know why but nonetheless i just blend in when i have to. sucks to have different me all the time. cause the 'me' that really stays is the fucked up me where i feel i'm never good enough.

anyway, i met this guy and everything he speaks of is perfect like i'm not even fucking kidding. it's like WHAT IS IT THAT YOU SPEAK OF DOES IT COME WITH FREE SHIPPING.

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